Saturday, March 23, 2013

The waiting game part 1...

I never imagined what torture it would be to wait to begin ovulating!  And to boot I always thought that I would be one of those relaxed mommy-to-be's.  I think going this route is a very different game than the traditional way of trying at home with your partner and then waiting the 2 weeks to see if AF comes to town.  Yes, this route includes taking your fertility meds to give you the best chance to ovulate and to help your follicles grow big and strong as well as twice daily tests to see if you are having a surge.  Well....I do not like failing tests and it was a long wait until I got my happy face!!  But....I got my happy face this morning and it is time to call the clinic and tell them I am ovulating.

Meanwhile I am doing all this research about what I can and cannot ingest (especially during the first trimester) so I have the best chance of carrying a child to term.  It is scary.  I LOVE my morning tea and I may have to change my daily habits.  In fact, I think it will be easier to give up my beer than my morning warm beverage!  I suppose I should relax and go with the flow....but seriously it is easier said than done.  Now I understand why this process is so stressful for people.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Patience :)

I went in on day 3 of my cycle. U/S showed that I had a small cyst, but not a big deal.   As suspected, my cycle was early.  My acupuncturist gave me the MOST amazing chinese herbs made me able to sleep through the night during AF.  No Pain!!  Stopped taking them though since I am now on a 5 day cycle of Letrozole (aka Femara) and then time to start testing for ovulation. Letrozole is a drug that lowers your estrogen so that your follicles grow and you have a better chance of ovulation.  It is also a breast cancer drug.  Once I get the smiley face for a positive test, IUI will occur in 24-36 hours.   My "donation" is being shipped from California now and should be here in Tuesday (at the clinic).  IUI should happen Friday or Saturday according to the clinic.  I am going to start testing earlier since my cycles have been so short.  Don't want to miss it.  Besides, apparently you can get Ovulation kits at the Dollar Store!!  Crazy!!  Now....just the waiting game.  Tonight is the school fundraiser and I spent the last hour painting my toenails green in honor of St. Patrick's Day.  Will be stopping by my brother and sister-in-laws house for a little party before hand (and to get kisses from my little lovelies).  I have opted not to dress up and just wear something comfortable this evening.  After 11 years of these over-the-top events at my school, I am slightly over it.    I will make my appearance, look at all the loot, see who buys my donation (no, not THAT donation :) and drink a pretend drink (you know so people think you are drinking but you are not).  I plan on drinking a cranberry with spritzer.  I will be there with one of my pregnant friends, so she will be drinking the same :)  Looking to have a low key week and take good care of myself.  I have acupuncture Monday and Wednesday and Yoga on Tuesday.   Spring Break starts on Friday and my sweet students are throwing me a 40th Birthday celebration that day. :)  And I am giving myself the best birthday present ever!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

In preparation for the big day...

In order to relax and have the best chance of this working on the first cycle,  I have been proactive in taking care of myself.  I have been more thoughtful about what I eat.  I have been coming home and spending good quality time in my kitchen cooking healthy macrobiotic meals.  Grains, greens, roots, miso soups, and healthy proteins...and drinking less beer to ease myself into 9 months with no beer  (I really do love my microbrews...a love Chad and I shared together).  I have been taking warm baths and trying to sleep on my back (so my chronic neck and shoulder pain is not an issue), taking yoga several times a week, dancing, seeing my chiropractor and getting P/T (again, for my neck and shoulder) and lastly....but not least...I have been going to acupuncture. I have even talked with my acupuncturist about pre and post IUI acupuncture.   Need to get more info about that...they said it increases your chances of conception by 30%.    I have even downloaded an app on my phone that reminds me throughout the day to BREEEATHE!!!!  Last night I spent a few hours with my lovely niece and nephew which always confirms that this is what I want (even though it is exhausting...they are 18 months old).  I love the cuddles and the snuggles I get from them when I am there...and even the whining to an extent.  I know I won't always appreciate the whining and crying, but I will embrace it and remind myself everyday how lucky I am!

And as my body feels today, I think my normally 24 day cycle may be shorter this month.  Once in awhile my cycle is 21 days (super uncool) and I think this cycle is going to be just that....which means an earlier due date if the first cycle works.  Getting close!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

One week to go.....

Getting anxious for next week to get here.  Waiting for cycle to begin.  Getting nervous....which I am trying not to do...but really hard.  This past week a good friend of mine had a miscarriage.  It made me feel so sad b/c I was looking forward to being pregnant with her.  It also illuminated for me how delicate pregnancy can be at our age.  I suspect we all go into it imagining the perfect pregnancy and the perfect child.  But alas, I am a very realistic person and I know these things happen.  I am going to try to relax and enjoy every moment of the experience and take what comes.   On a brighter note, I have a friend who is due in the next handful of weeks.  She is due April 1st, but her husband is big and tall and she is little and that big baby is running out of space!  We all think she is going early.  She started having contractions the other day.  I told her she has to give birth during spring break so I can be her post birth doula :)  I am ready to do laundry and dishes and bake things for her so she is prepares to just relax.  I can't wait to be Tia Hoot again!  Anyway...a few thoughts in the weeks before I hopefully can say I am pregnant.  Reminding myself to breathe!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Consultation (as required by law)

Apparently if you are going to donate an egg, or get IUI you must have this consultation with a licensed therapist as required by law.  Funny do not need to have this consult if you are donating sperm....hmmmm.  After the hour long consult, I understood the importance of this for those who have not done their homework.  There were certainly a few things during this that I had not really thought too deeply about.  For one,  they make it clear that not all people are going to embrace and support the idea of a single mom bringing a baby into the world without a father.  You are given some suggestions of nice ways to respond to these people that stop the conversation right where it started :)  Also, I really did not think too deeply about how I would talk to my child about this....I always figured I would use the terms baby daddy or something like that! Well...apparently using the term daddy gives some paternal connection to someone who is not any part of the child's life nor never will be. This can be deeply confusion to the child.  The term donor should be used, but never daddy or father.  Interestingly, they say to compare the donation of sperm to that of blood.  In other words, discuss with your child that people often give of themselves to help others.  Sometimes people give blood to help others who need blood, sometimes people donate organs or bone marrow and others give sperm for women really want to become mommy's!   The other interesting thing that I had actually thought about is that of surrounding the child with male figures. For example, if there are ever any male teachers the child should be in their class.  After listening to the research results on a lot of these studies, it all made perfect sense and I was glad to have had this hour with the therapist.  It made me feel even more prepared than I already am to become a single parent.  T-3 weeks until IUI! (depending on my lovely follicles).